Sexual Estrangement


A situation many married couples face is estrangement in their marital beds. I want to address it from a biblical standpoint with this scenario:
Scenario~> Wife notices her husband is only nice to her when he wants to have sex. He’s been disrespectful and stays out with his buddies when he’s not working. She feels neglected and does not believe she should have sex with him.
Biblical Approach to Scenario:
1Corinthians 7:5 ” Do not refuse and depriveand defraud each other [of your due marital rights], except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves unhindered to prayer. But afterwards resume marital relations, lest Satan tempt you [to sin] through your lack of restraint of sexual desire.
It’s hard for us as women to separate our emotions from sex. It’s an emotional act for us and when we are not feeling up to it/ in the mood or we feel upset bc our husbands have made us angry or not treating us right, sex is the furthest thing from our minds. But God is on to something! He has the answer for every situation and the aforementioned verse gives us His unfailing wisdom. God knows that if a husband and wife don’t have sex with each other as a habit or out of an intentional withholding pattern, the devil will cause temptation to come along to tempt one or both spouses. That temptation could show up in the form of adultery or cause them to sexually divorce one another by becoming sexually independent and reliant upon themselves via masturbation, pornography, reading erotic literature. God created us and knows we are wired differently. Men don’t necessarily connect their emotions to sex. They need to have sex to release stress. However, even if a man and his wife aren’t connecting on an emotional level, sex can become  the bridge that keeps them spiritually connected. Sex is manifesting in the natural realm their one flesh unity that exists in the spiritual realm as husband and wife. 
Now as far as the disrespect and neglect goes, sex is to be separate from issues because sex is not a reward for good behavior and not to be used as punishment for unpleasant behavior –unless it’s adultery. In the case of adultery, you should protect your health and take necessary precautions to prevent infection from sexually transmitted diseases. You would want to make biblical appeals to your husband regarding his neglectful and disrespectful behavior. The enemy creates division by deceiving us into believing that everything must be all good before we can engage in sex with our spouses. He starts in the marriage bed and deceives us by whispering to us to withhold sex and affection because we have some marriage issues. We have to address those issues, but we cannot allow them to hold us hostage and in bondage from undressing for sexual intimacy with our husbands. Another great verse of wisdom is God’s admonishment in 1 Corinthians 7:4 which says: ” The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.”
In marriage, we have no authority to say to our spouses that they lack authority to have sexual intercourse with us. We are one- flesh with our husbands and it applies to them, as well.
When problems arise in your marriage, remember that you cannot necessarily solve them between the sheets with your spouse. You can, however, by maintaining a healthy sex life, create an atmosphere where understandings can be reached.
Cassandra Salamone
All rights reserved 2014.

Daily Marriage Manna


This is quite a romantic scene! What husband or wife wouldn’t want to have a moment together like this to clasp hands, draw close to each other, and gaze at the stars together with the snow falling all around them? Unfortunately, many married couples are not experiencing a season such as this one but they are in a wintry, dark season in their marriage. Bitter, cold problems are faling upon their situations and they’re gazing up at the heavens for manna– for God’s wisdom and help to fall from the heavens. They’re clasping on to a hope for brighter days with their spouses. The good news is that God supplies us with fresh manna that can be found in His Word everyday.
Psalms 78:24-25~
“He rained down manna upon them to eat And gave them food from heaven. Man did eat the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance. “
Unlike the manna God provided the Israelites in the desert, His Word does not spoil or expire in freshness. Unlike the snow, God’s Word is available to us in every season.
Today’s Fresh Manna comes from 1 Corinthians 7:10-16 NIV:
” To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. 12 To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13 And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.15 But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.16 How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?”

Let’s try the Manna for the day in a different flavor in the Message version 1 Corinthians 7:10-16:

10-11 And if you are married, stay married. This is the Master’s command, not mine. If a wife should leave her husband, she must either remain single or else come back and make things right with him. And a husband has no right to get rid of his wife.
12-14 For the rest of you who are in mixed marriages—Christian married to non-Christian—we have no explicit command from the Master. So this is what you must do. If you are a man with a wife who is not a believer but who still wants to live with you, hold on to her. If you are a woman with a husband who is not a believer but he wants to live with you, hold on to him. The unbelieving husband shares to an extent in the holiness of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is likewise touched by the holiness of her husband. Otherwise, your children would be left out; as it is, they also are included in the spiritual purposes of God.
15-16 On the other hand, if the unbelieving spouse walks out, you’ve got to let him or her go. You don’t have to hold on desperately. God has called us to make the best of it, as peacefully as we can. You never know, wife: The way you handle this might bring your husband not only back to you but to God. You never know, husband: The way you handle this might bring your wife not only back to you but to God.” 
In these verses, we discover many nuggets of wisdom for couples in unequally yoked marriages and for those who may be considering divorce. If you are in any of these predicaments, I pray you find hope and encouragement in today’s Manna.
Cassandra Salamone
All rights reserved.



Mutual submission in marriage  creates oneness. If that can occur, there is a melting that occurs where the husband’s desires and the wife’s desires will reach a point of compromise as they accommodate each other. They might slam against one another like two glaciers. The pull and push of their agendas will yield as  they surrender out of love, and compromise will melt away any elements that might polarize or pit them against one another–damaging one another.
Mutual submission is oneness, is unity, is love. It’s when two can come together as one so they don’t destroy one another.
Cassandra Salamone. © 2014

#9: Domestic Violence Awareness Blog Series

Today’s post is a very comprehensive collection of photos that explores what survivors of domestic abuse have to say and also provides encouragement to support victims who are afraid to get help. It’s not October yet, but it’s always the right time to learn about domestic violence prevention. Be blessed, safe, informed, and thank you for joining me in this Domestic Violence Awareness Series!


If you’re a domestic violence survivor, don’t be ashamed. Be empowered to share your testimony with others. Your story just may help free someone else.

The following photos share the words of some women who overcame domestic abuse.












One of the weapons wielded  against victims is the lie that they have no options–that she has to stay with their abuser.
If you see or hear domestic violence occurring, do not remain silent. If you do not wish to confront the abuser, call the police.



Many women who are in abusive relationships find it difficult to leave. However, leaving is key to their safety!


It is possible to leave and overcome the abuse! You do not have to stay and suffer in silence!




Recognize the abuse. Report it. Prevent it.


Praying in agreement in Jesus’s name against domestic violence in relationships and marriages. Amen💗
Please get involved in the fight against domestic violence. Visit and support the Pass the Purse campaign to raise awareness of domestic violence, help domestic violence survivors, and stop the cycle abuse!


Kerry Washington is the ambassador for the Purple Purse campaign and is carrying the purple purse that you can enter to win.
Visit the website for more details. Get involved ☺
Cassandra Salamone
All rights reserved.  2014.

#7 and #8: Domestic Violence Awareness Blog Series


The more we are able to identify the abusive characteristics of a person, we stand a chance of avoiding domestic violence. Chances are if a woman knows what abuse looks like, that knowledge just might save her from being in an abusive relationship in the first place. Let’s empower ourselves to learn as much as we can about domestic abuse.


Don’t be a domestic violence statistic. Refuse to be a victim.




Domestic abuse is not about love. It’s about control! It’s not about that person knowing what’s best for you. It’s about him trying to manipulate you so you are too afraid to do what’s best for you, and that is Get Away and Get Help!




Don’t allow yourself to become trapped in his cycle of power and control! Recognize the cycle will never stop once it begins. Once it begins, the abuser will just roll right over you!


Amen!! Abuse is abuse!!! Call it what it is and don’t romanticize it. A man who loves you doesn’t hurt you. A man who loves you will get himself the help he needs and even leave himself to take responsibility of his lack of control and anger issues. He will not allow himself to abuse you!


It’s important to realize that if you are in an abusive marriage or relationship, there are provisions and resources that exist to help you get out of that situation:
*Emotional Support
*Emergency Shelter
*Public Benefits
*Job Assistance
*Children’s Counseling
*Legal Services


It’s important to reach out to politicians and community leaders if you notice there are no shelters in your community to assist domestic violence victims who are fleeing and seeking safety and shelter for themselves and their children. Reach out and advocate. Write letters to your mayor and senators. Be a voice for the voiceless in your community.


If your family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor is in an abusive relationship, you can be a friend to that person. Be there for her and let her know she is not alone. Let her know there are healthy, safe options for her.
If you are a victim, the best way to fight back is to get help for yourself and leave.




Do not ever think that you deserve abuse or that it’s ever your fault!


Men can also advocate for abused as well! Speak up! Don’t stand by and be a witness. Take a stand against  abusive men by not remaining silent.


Cassandra’s Marriage Mints fully supports Domestic Violence Prevention! 

#6: Domestic Violence Awareness Blog Series

Many women stay with their abusers and their silence adds further injury to the insult of domestic violence by contributing emotional issues. Abused women don’t understand their identities in Christ and can end up basing their self-worth upon the abusive partner’s treatment of them.


Some women even believe they are responsible for their husbands’ abusive behavior,  but the truth is: No matter how much a woman changes of herself, her husband will not change until he decides to make a change. 


If you know someone who is experiencing abuse, let her know that you support her. Let her know she is not alone.



Do all that you can, within reason, to help 💗
Cassandra Salamone
All rights reserved.

#4: Domestic Violence Awareness Blog Series


This chart shows the cycle of domestic violence and includes the various responses from the victim in each section. I think it’s worth noting that this cycle, like marriage, includes a honeymoon. However, the honeymoon associated with domestic abuse is not a celebration of a lifetime of learning to live as one, but is the calm before the storm. It’s the deceptive peace that precedes the explosion of abuse in whatever form the abuser unleashes it.



Please recognize the signs of abuse and get help!!!


If you are in an abusive marriage or relationship or you know someone who is, do what you can to end the cycle of domestic violence. 
Please know that you are loved and worthy of being respected.


Amen and God bless!

#3: Domestic Violence Awareness Blog Series


(Courtesy: Beauty Cares.)
Many women who end up with an abusive husband never saw it coming. They either did not recognize the warning signs of domestic abuse or their partners never indicated that they had abusive tendencies until the moment they acted out the abuse. That is why it is important for us to learn exactly what those warning signs look like.
The 8 warning signs posted by Beauty Cares clearly represent behaviors that are sinful and may encompass verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse.


It’s highly important that we recognize the warning signs no matter how subtle and innocent they appear to be.


Whether you are married or dating, do not ignore the warning signs. Your life, physical and emotional well-being might be at risk if you do not pay attention. Without understanding what domestic violence or abusive behaviors look like and feel like, it becomes difficult to prevent them from taking place.
Recognizing Warning Signs = Knowledge = Increased Prevention
Thanks for taking time to recognize the signs with me today!
God bless!
Cassandra Salamone
All rights reserved.

#2: Domestic Violence Awareness Series


Unlike this graphic portrayal of the Disney character Cinderella,
domestic violence is sadly a very real part of everyday life for many women. The ironic twist is that just as Cinderella’s glass coach reverted to its identity as a pumpkin and her dance with Prince Charming came to a jarring halt as the clock struck twelve, abused women have had their lives and well-being shattered as their husbands/boyfriends transform from being the men who love and adore them to being their worst nightmare.
Maybe you are facing domestic violence in your marriage. If you are, the question to ask is not “When did he stop treating you like a princess?” The important question to ask yourself is “What am I going to do to get my glass slipper back?  Because you lost something when the man you adored transformed! You lost a piece of your identity and you began to run from yourself inside as you faced the reality he began to show you. Back to that important question: you don’t have a fairy godmother. You can turn to God!!! Turn to Jesus and ask Him to make a way for you to find your slipper again: your peace, your joy, your health, your safety and security, the man you love once again!!! Trust Him and take action to get yourself some help and refuge from the abuse until you can safely reconcile with your Prince Charming without fear. Prince Charming needs to treat you like the princess, like the daughter of God that you are.
With love,
Cassandra Salamone
All rights reserved 2014