Esther Study

I think it’s important that in the midst of intense adversity from the enemy that we remain grounded in who we are in Christ. That is why I will be sharing my Esther study free of charge! Esther had to be reminded of who she really was and her decision to fight against the enemy’s schemes saved a nation ! Perhaps God is allowing you to endure afflictions and wants to use you for the purposes of bringing Him glory and the deliverance of other people in your life. I’m excited to get this study together to share with you! 💝
ESTHER STUDY 📖 ~ PART 1•••••••👸🏻👑••••••••Thank you for joining me in the journey to become a wife who is a queen of godly purpose! You may want to have your Bible handy, as well as, a notepad and pen in case God leads you to jot down ideas. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let’s dig into the first part of the Esther study. Do share your thoughts and questions in the Comments. Discussion will be great!!!~Cassandra•••••••••••••••

In Esther 1, we are introduced to King Ahasuerus. He was such a prosperous and majestic ruler, that in his third year as king, he decided to host a feast and invited all of his officials, servants, all of the powers of Persia and Media, the nobles and princes of the provinces so that he could show off the “splendor of his excellent majesty hundred-eighty days in all” (Esther 1:4, KJV). This opening account provides us with important insight into the nature of a man’s ego, which we can use to consider our own husbands’. King Ahasuerus does seem to have a very large ego and is proud to basically extend an invitation that says to everyone in the kingdom: “Come and look at me and all that is mine!” 

From an objective perspective, a man takes pride in being a capable provider for his wife and children–his earthly kingdom–and takes pride in being able to show off his blessings and success in life. Not only does he want to be the head of his household and “rule” effectively, he wants his wife to also affirm that he is doing an excellent job by submitting to him–agreeing with his leadership. 
Interesting Things We Learn About The Feasting🍲🍛🥗🥙🍧:
After 180 days of feasting, the king hosted a 2nd feast for 7 days for all of the people in Shushan–no matter their status–in the “court of the garden of the king’s palace”. They drank royal wine served in golden vessels and ate lavishly, surrounded by King Ahasuerus’ royal splendor. (Esther 1:5-7).

The king’s wife, Queen Vashti, made a 3rd feast–only for the women in the royal palace. She had quite a bit of responsibility, which also afforded her an opportunity to further make her husband look magnificent in the eyes of all of their guests and gave her a little piece of the spotlight to be admired for her hosting abilities. She was given the privilege of being a biblical-era socialite and royal hostess.

On the 7th day of feasting, King Ahasuerus sent his eunuchs to go and bring Queen Vashti dressed in her royal attire because he wanted to show off her beauty to everyone in attendance. He must have wanted to brag on her and have her make him look even better because the best blessing a husband can have is not his material possessions. His best blessing is his wife, and other people will view him as being especially blessed if his wife is beautiful in appearance and also brings him honor in how she manages her responsibilities and treats him.

Certainly, most wives do have knowledge that Queen Vashti refused to appear before her husband, her king; and as a result of her disrespect, a decree was issued forth that dethroned her so that she could no longer go into his presence, even if she wanted to, which removed any option she might have been able to take in order to ask for his forgiveness. She was stripped of her royalty and no longer the queen!
There is much that we can glean from what happened to Queen Vashti. We wives must dethrone any resemblance to Queen Vashti from the royal chambers of our hearts. We cannot allow rebellion, haughtiness, or pride–all sinfully rooted in fear–to rule over the thrones of our hearts. We must pray and ask God to help us dethrone vanities of the flesh and any characteristics that we have that might bring our husbands dishonor or cause irreversible consequences in our marriages.
⚜️⚜️⚜️Interesting Insights⚜️⚜️⚜️
When king Ahasuerus’ decree to dethrone Queen Vashti was made, one of the seven princes of Persia and Media, who the king was closest to named Memucan declared: 
“When the king’s decree which he will make is 

proclaimed throughout all his empire (for it is great),

all wives will honor their husbands, both great and small.”

~Esther 1:20, KJV.
Our husbands should not have to be worried about whether we will humiliate them in the public eye or in the privacy of our homes. Our husbands are our earthly kings, and it should be no extraordinary event for us to be pleased to bring them honor by our respectful attitude and conduct toward them. 

Jesus is our heavenly King, and a proclamation has already been issued forth, written in Ephesians 5, verse 33:

“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”

Furthermore, at the conclusion of verse 33, we are reminded:

“..and the wife see that she reverence her husband,”

“Reverence” is a feeling or attitude of deep respect, tinged with awe and the outward demonstration of that feeling, according to dictionary reference. com. 

Queen Vashti refused to show reverence to her husband king Ahasuerus during a period of feasting and demonstration of his prowess as a ruler. She certainly lacked prudence, which is foresight, and wisdom because she chose to be rebellious at the worst possible time–when other men of royal stature were present and able to offer their suggestions as to how her disrespect should be dealt with. Surely if men of great importance were able to pause their duties and plans to attend king Ahasuerus’ remarkable feasts, his own wife should have been able to show up in his presence to honor him! 

They made an example of her as a warning to every wife to emphasize the sole purpose of the feasting, which was to make king Ahasuerus look good! There was no way that the ruling men or the countrymen would respect the king if he allowed his wife to make a spectacle out of him at his own party!
An interesting piece of commentary I read in my Bible’s footnotes stated that scholars believe the queen’s name “Vashti” is related to “Vahishta” meaning “the best”.
Our husbands don’t own us like property; however, as one-flesh covenant partners, husbands belong to their wives and vice versa. As wives who honor God and our earthly kings, it is to the benefit of our marriages–our earthly kingdoms–that we pray and diligently seek God’s help in cultivating our best that will bring our kings and the King honor and glory. What a blessing we are to our husbands when we desire to appear before them every opportunity God blesses us with to offer them the best of who we are in Christ! 💑
I know that you have probably been wondering why I have not yet elaborated on Queen Esther until now; but before we could make the transition to Queen Esther, Queen Vashti had to be dethroned. Likewise, before we can walk fully as wives of godly purpose like modern-day Esthers, we must dethrone any attitudes or conduct that might cause us to rebel against our husbands as Queen Vashti did to her husband. 
Reflection For Such a Time as This🙇🏽‍♀️
We learned that Vashti’s name may have a derivative meaning of “the best”, but that is not what she gave her husband king Ahasuerus at a crucial moment that was intended to show off the best of his kingdom! 
Can you think of a time when you have not given your best to your husband? 

Unlike Vashti, by the grace of God, we have another moment in time to make a change. Think about what you could have done differently and decide to give your best next time.

Unlike king Ahasuerus, your husband may not be praising you in front of his family and friends; however, as his wife, you are still a blessing to his life. Queen Vashti was beautiful to look upon; but her heart betrayed her,as her conduct did not possess the beauty that God prizes. Her reverence to her husband– demonstrated by her obliging to his request for her presence– was to be the mark of true beauty for all to witness. Unfortunately, reverence was absent in her decision-making. 


King Ahasuerus had a mixed audience of princes, noblemen, servants, as well as, everyday citizens of his kingdom. Let’s consider that everyone in our households, our neighbors, friends, relatives, and in-laws, make up the mixed audience of our marriages. Respect and honor do not discriminate when they are lacking. Disrespectful conduct stings and abrades our husbands. Let’s allow our best to provide a witness for those who are looking for an example of how a godly wife respects her husband. Let’s prayerfully watch what we say, how we say it, and the spirit in which we do things for our husbands.Let us be mindful that God is our ever-watchful audience, and He is cheering for us to be at our best!


   Seek to be a wife who is known for your beautiful heart and life lived out with respect to your husband just as 1 Peter 3 describes:

“Wives, in the same way submit yourselves” to your own husbands” so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over” without words by the behavior of their wives,2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.” 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self,” the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 5 For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God” used to adorn themselves.” They submitted themselves to their own husbands,6 like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord.” You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.” (Jubilee 2000 version)
Dear Lord, Your Word says in Esther 2:4

by the mouths of servants: “Then let the young woman who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.”

Help us wives be found pleasing in the sight of our husbands. 

Help us to be queens to our earthly kings and eliminate the Vashti characteristics that bring dishonor and disrespect to them. 

Father, I pray that each wife who is taking this Esther course will be thought of by her husband as his best blessing rather than a disgrace.

I pray that you will help us cultivate “the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit” that is prized by You and will add honor and blessings to our marriage. 

Lord, help my best bring you glory. 
In Jesus’ name, Amen. 
Thank you so much, and may God bless you!
With Love ❤️ 

©12/20/16. Cassandra’s Marriage Mints. All rights reserved.

****The writings are copyrighted. No part of this study may be copy or pasted electronically or published without permission of Cassandra .****

2 thoughts on “Esther Study

  1. Gods Glory says:

    Thank you Cassandra this will help me with my ladies bible study group . I pray that the Lord continues to bless you and that in 2017 you are blessed more abundantly than you were in 2016, that you reach millions of couples and inspire them with your blog with is his words .. merry Christmas

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cassandra's Marriage Mints~ The Grass Is Greener Where We Water It says:

      Oh God bless may He may bless you!!! I have a couple more parts of the study I will add. It is very detailed and I started out from one perspective. However God had His way pushing me to explore deeper with the remaining sections of the Study. I pray you and your group are blessed by the study and it leads you to your own dives into God’s Word. Thanks so much for your feedback! Merry Christmas to you sweet sister!!!


Please let me know what you think about this :)